Teórica 1
Presentación de la materia
Docentes, modo de cursada, cronograma, evaluaciones, etc.
Conceptos elementales de computación y algoritmos
Bases de datos
Material de lectura y consulta
- Introduction to Algorithms (2009). Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein. 3rd Edition, MIT Press.
- Introduction to Bioinformatics (2019), 4th Edition. Oxford University Press. Arthur M Lesk (hay dos copias en el lab).
- SQLBolt Learn SQL with simple, interactive exercises.
- XKCD Query
- Ten Simple Rules for Developing Public Biological Databases. Helmy M, Crits-Christoph A, Bader GD (2016). PLoS Comput Biol 12(11): e1005128.
- Primary and secondary databases - Bioinformatics for the terrified. An introduction to the science of bioinformatics (EMBL-EBI Training, Online Course).